My host family in UK

Pongo aquí el post que he escrito en el blog de mi college. El post original está aquí >>

Hi everyone!, Today, I would like to speak about my home in Hastings. I didn’t know, that the general name for the family of the students is “host family”. This word is curious for me because in my job in Spain, everyday we speak about “hosting” and “housing” but of mainframes (big computers!), not of people.

HELC has found my family in Hastings. I was some worried about living for one month in other home, with people who have other habit. Now, I’m very, very happy because my family is fantastic. The name of my “english mother” is Judith. Judith is a lovely person. She cooks better than the most important cook in Spain, Ferrán Adriá! This Tuesday, she made brownies (one of my favorites cakes) and yesterday cheescake. I have eaten pasta (I tell her that the pasta is my favorite food) and other great english meals. I practice my low English with her and she corrects me for I learn better. I eat better than me own house in Spain! (normally, I cook everyday, and I haven’t a lot of time for cooking).

The bedroom is very nice, with a table for studying, bathroom, TV (I don’t watch TV, but well), double bed, broadband conection (internet). It’s fantastic, internet is very important for me, because I need it for working when I come back to the home, after the English class in HELC. My experience with my host family in Hastings is insuperable.

Here are photos of my neighborhood. See you!

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Angel Abril-Ruiz

¡Hola! Algunos dicen que tengo una inquietud cognitiva un tanto dispersa, y creo que razón no les falta 😅. Empecé mi carrera profesional como Ingeniero de Telecomunicación 📡(UPV). Luego me dediqué al mundo de la gestión y el marketing 📊 (Ciencias Empresariales, UCM; Master in Management, IE Business School). Tras trabajar varios años en una multinacional y fundar algunas empresas entré en el mundo de la investigación científica en ciencias del comportamiento 🧠 (Master Ciencias de la Empresa y Doctorando, UMU; Grado en Psicología, UNED). Últimamente fluyo en las disciplinas de Behavioral Sciences, Sustainable Behavior, Social Psychology, Consumer Psychology and Energy Saving. También hago bizcochos, pan de masa madre y siembro hortalizas en un huerto 🍆🥦. Mi lado más personal lo puedes encontrar aquí y en Youtube 🎥: . Enjoy! 🤗

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